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  • Writer's pictureJesse

Painted Lady rolls out their own beers and plans new membership program

A little while back, we got word that Painted Lady was finally starting to brew their own beers. A little bit after that, we got to try a couple of those beers. And finally, Painted Lady announced on social media that the beers were available.

It’s hard to keep a “secret” these days, but it was worth the wait. The Bed and Brew has produced four beers up to this point, with Go Into the Light (Kolsch) and You’ve Got Red on You (Hoppy Red Ale) currently on tap. It appears that The Undead Surround Us (Stout) has run its course, while the first batch of All the Damn Vampires IPA should be ready soon.

Finish the story from the Dark Side Brew Crew here.

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